Creation of website, graphic identity and communications material, in cooperation with SiSustainable.
My name is Urs Riggenbach and this site shares about my life and work. Most of what I do is devoted to practical solutions to avoid a global climate crisis. Acting from a point of compassion for all living things (or at least trying to!), I'm always ready to be challenged on how to maximize impact. Passionate about developing "whatever is missing" I'm building towards a sustainable future for all.
Since 2012 I've been working with Lytefire toward initiating a global wave of solar enterpreneurship.
Building web-platforms and systems with purpose that connect actors, empower people and facilitate change.
I work in a network of curated developers, designers and content creators, so each project happens in a project-specific team. For the Canton of Bern I built the interactive App "Biz-Links" that helps people find the right career. As a progressive web app it is simultaneously avaiable on Android and iOS devices, as well as directly reachable in the browser by link. My full portfolio is further below.
Selection of projects in the fields of web-development, internet security, Android-app development, webstores, crowdfunding and campaign sites, online community platforms and financial modeling. Most projects are based on a security and scalability optimized tech-stack based on open-source SPIP, LXC and GNU/Linux.
Project idea and need a tech-team? Let's talk!
Posted Friday 17 November 2023 by Urs Riggenbach.
Since its launch 2 weeks ago, it has been so uplifting to present our massive User’s Page at talks, meeting and to anyone I’ve met! It’s because this page shows the amazing diversity among Lytefire’s users. #Bakers from Kenya, #roasters from France, #DIYers building their own #solar unit, #NGOs running job-creation programs with us. Enable the energy transition at all these levels has been the dream from the start. Now it is reality!
Check it out:
Posted Sunday 29 May 2022 by Urs Riggenbach.
Nautilus scripts are a versatile way to automate daily tasks such as reducing PDF sizes, converting pictures to PDFs, adding notes to documents, etc.
The below files help creating PDFs, with varying degrees of compression.
"Normal" is a compression to 300dpi, which will still allow the PDF to be printed and is the best choice in most cases. When a higher compression level is needed, the "Smaller" and "Smallest" scripts can be useful.
First run:
mkdir .local/share/nautilus/scripts/
Then create the 3 files:
nano .local/share/nautilus/scripts/PDF\ Resize\ Normal
#!/bin/bash echo -e "$NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS" | xargs -i gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile="{}"_min.pdf "{}"
nano .local/share/nautilus/scripts/PDF\ Resize\ Smaller
#!/bin/bash echo -e "$NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS" | xargs -i gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/ebook -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile="{}"_min.pdf "{}"
nano .local/share/nautilus/scripts/PDF\ Resize\ Smallest
#!/bin/bash echo -e "$NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS" | xargs -i gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/screen -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH -sOutputFile="{}"_min.pdf "{}"
Lastly, make the files executable.
chmod +x .local/share/nautilus/scripts/*
Now, the three scripts shouldbe available to you from the context menu on any file in your nautuilus file browser in GNOME.
Posted Sunday 13 March 2022 by Urs Riggenbach.
This is post is part of a series of posts of creative writing.
Making space, for positive actions, for positive feelings. Making space for being vulnerable. For being a victimized, hurt, oppressed, or just making space to acknowledge: I’m misunderstood. Life is hard, and life is beautiful at the same time. By making space, we can stop the chase. Stop the heavy expectations on yourself. To be present, to acknowledge and respect however we feel. Despair, happiness, tiredness, being in love. Acknowledging and accepting just how conflicting all of this is, can sometimes help feeling grounded and is building space.
Ask yourself: Are your actions giving space, or taking away space? War, oppression, judgment: Taking space away. Listening, being vulnerable, trusting: Giving space. With more space, comes more freedom. Come fresh thoughts, ideas, plans and actions. If these actions give even more space, it starts to get real good. If we can admit and respect the complexity of life, and yet make some space to breathe and be - we are space loving and space giving humans.
It is hard to do. So out goes my deep respect for people who have made space. Space to trust themselves. Space to listen and be heard. Space to take risks. Space for others. Space for themselves.
I get involved in things that make sense to me, have impact or bring learning and creation with it.
June 2012 - now
Solar thermal technology solutions in the humanitarian and industrial sector.
– Technological development, project management, IT consulting, web and communication.
February 2017 - May 2017
– Industrial CNC machine training (Waterjet, Lasercuting, 5 axis CNC)
– Rapid prototyping using state of the art CNC machinery
2014 - 2022
Development of custom web-platforms for the Zurich-based environmental communications agency.
2014 - now
Creation of web-development agency of impact and sustainability projects and beyond.
February 2013 - July 2013
– Development of exhibition on renewable energies.
August 2013 - February 2014
– Support in research and development.
– Instructors from the fields of architecture, construction and joinery/Carpentry
– Application of principles of sustainability and sustainable design in the architecture of a "tiny house" of 227 square feet.
– Project planning and management with different build milestones.
– Construction of entire tiny house, see it in New York Post "Tiny House 227".
– Study and implementation of HVAC systems.
September 2008 - June 2012
– Relevant Coursework: Agroecology, Economic Development, International Water Resource Management, Physics II, Collaborative Leadership, Fieldwork: Seminar in Community-based Research, Documentary Film Making, Webdesign, Fixing Food Systems, Sustainability, Local Production - Global Collaboration.
– Senior project in Nepal installing renewable energy framework at rural school
– Spanish proficiency during project-stay in Yucatán, Mexico
– Davis UWC Scholar: full scholarship awarded
September 2006 - May 2008
– International Baccelaurate (IB) with major biology and economics.
– Course language English.
– Extended essay: Sugarcane Cultivation in the Mulshi Valley, India.
– Full Scholarship from the Swiss Association for UWC
Contact Urs Riggenbach:, 079 918 0663
Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich:
Urs Riggenbach,, 079 918 0663